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Showcase on AI for Management Consulting: PRAIORITIZE

As part of its programme to review the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on management consultancy, CMCE was pleased to host a Showcase led by Dr Jan van der Poel of Transparency Lab.

In his introduction, Jan commented that 99% of consultants serve only 1% of organizations in developed countries and, as a result, there are millions of managers without access to management advice. In response, Transparency Lab has developed an AI-enabled product, PRAIORITIZE, that is intended to make consultancy advice available to a much wider group of organisations.

PRAIORITIZE can be used to set a business objective, gather information from stakeholders, establish targets and propose plans for achieving the target. It is based on the use of questionnaires that can also be generated by PRAIORITIZE.

Jan demonstrated how PRAIORITIZE can be used to collect and analyse both hard and soft information to provide indicators on how to deal with challenges as diverse as improving sales and reducing absenteeism.

He then used PRAIORITIZE to gather information from attendees at the showcase and generated in real time a number of analyses and outputs based on the information provided.

Jan’s presentation and demonstration provided an excellent insight into how AI can transform the provision of management advice.

You can access the recording of the Showcase here.

Details of PRAIORITIZE’s products can be found on their website.

Tuesday 12th March 2024